Sunday, January 7, 2007

Eye Candy Championship Round!


Here's how it works:

1. We go until next Sunday - ie you have until the end of this coming Saturday (January 13th) to cast your votes.

2. You get TWO VOTES. And you CANNOT vote for the same person twice (you know who you are ;)

3. I will announce the ULTIMATE EYE CANDY CHAMPION next Sunday, January 14th

4. After that, you will not see these candies again - we will start accumulating new champions over the next 6 months (except for Famke, you WILL see her again - she still has her fifth and final round coming up after the Championship Round - but she will NOT participate in the NEXT Championship Round, so it's sort of a formality)

Here are your nominees, in the order they are pictured at left:

1. Olof Mellberg

2. Angelina Jolie

3. Kate Hudson

4. Freddie Ljungberg

5. Kylie Minogue

6. Christian Bale

7. Fabio Cannavaro

8. Joaquin Phoenix

9. Jude Law

10. Jason Lewis

11. Famke Janssen

SO - keep it fun, keep it clean, keep it fair. And if you're someone who has never been to this blog before, but has been recruited for votes, I BETTER SEE YER ASSES VOTING AFTER THE CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND IS DONE, aight? You KNOW what I'm sayin'.


P.S. - this is the ONLY day I'll be doing the contact sheet format for the photos, so don't worry about that ;)


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